Teagan’s Summary of Learning

Thank you all for a wonderful semester of learning!

Online and blended education were areas I had minimal experience in, prior to this course. I am excited to apply my new learnings from EC& I 834 in my current teaching practice for more authentic tech integration and blended learning options for my students. Here is my Summary of Learning video that I shared in class.

Summary of Learning Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMLK3OrrGkY

Canva slides link (includes links within): https://www.canva.com/design/DAGB89Des7w/MuYZVRWzHpA7cN5BarRvCA/view?utm_content=DAGB89Des7w&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor

Thanks everyone!

– Teagan

Final Blog Post for EC&I 834

I had no idea what to expect when I signed up for this class. I knew I enjoyed online learning, and I was excited to learn “how to do it right”. I am so happy with all the content we learning this term and I am excited to bring it into action.

My course prototype at the moment is on my wish list for the School of Radiation Therapy. I chose this topic because I believe it is something that should be incorporated into the current curriculum. I used the Canvas LMS, as it is simple, straightforward, and fairly similar to Brightspace which I have experience with. I kept the course design simple. Each week of the course covers one module. Each module has three sections: Didactic material, Extra resources, and Assessments. I am hopeful that this will be incorporated into the RT curriculum. Now that I have the first two modules done, it will be easier to get some buy-in from those who need to be convinced that this is a good thing to do. I am proud of my final course prototype, I feel it is conducive to adult learning while keeping the students engaged.

And well, if it doesn’t become a reality, I still have a new toolbox of skills to bring to my current class that I teach.

I appreciated the way Katia guided us through the process and how it fostered a comprehensive creation process. The ADDIE model, while not the only model available, served as an example of how to use a framework to guide the development of a project through to creation.

The creation was a multistep process using the ADDIE model. The ADDIE template provided by Katia guided the creation of my course profile.

The model puts the course into context by thinking about who the learners are and what are their needs. Creating course objectives from the outset provided direction and helped focus the content and keep the learning content on track. Thinking about the instructional approach then took us to the next step of how is the content going to be delivered.

I felt my course profile in the end was robust and considered all the required elements. Once we had chosen the LMS platform, I felt it was quite straightforward to create the shell and other elements using the course profile.

Once that was done, I appreciated delving into the finer details of online/blended teaching such as community building, interactive content, AI, and accessibility. To be honest I had never considered any of those four elements to any great detail before this class. Sure, I had built in teacher-student interactions as relationship-building strategies, but not with a focus on building a class community. I can see how this approach contributes to class engagement, not only theoretically, but I have seen it in our class, as encouraged by Katia, especially through Discord. I did enjoy the breakout rooms as well, and appreciate the learn by example approach that Katia takes to this class.

While there were some growing pains with learning how to create interactive content, these solidified the lesson in how to create, and the result showed the why. Adding this extra dimension to the course content not only promotes engagement, but it offers yet another way to showcase the course content. The AI content was an eye opener for me and I learned that instructors and content creators can take advantage of these new tools. I also realized it is fruitless to fight against it with the students. Important conversations need to be had at the beginning, laying down my expectations of the use of AI in the classroom, as well as professional integrity and what that means. I wrote about this in this blog post.

Accessibility is important, and in my small classroom, personally, it means addressing the different learning styles and asking the students “What do you need from me to help you learn?”

Having the opportunity to provide and receive feedback is a great way to promote growth. As I said in my blog about feedback, it sparks creativity and improvement.

You can visit my course prototype screencast here. Thanks for watching!

ECI 834 Summary of Learning

Thus concludes the pursuit of my Educational Technology and Media Masters Certificate. Thank you Katia and classmates and best of luck to you on your future endeavors. Special congrats to those who are done their degree! Cheers!


Summary of Learning

And that’s a wrap! Thanks to my EC&I 834 classmates for the feedback, camaraderie, and support over the semester.

Below is my Summary of Learning – I touch on the Bates continuum, adapting available programs to ‘create’ our own LMS, AI, and the importance of community.

Click to view my Summary of Learning, created in Canva!

…& They All Lived Happily Ever After: The Ending of Online Course Creation

…& that’s a wrap! Well for now. In a way, this also feels like the beginning as I definitely plan to further explore everything I have learned throughout this course. I look forward to creating more online learning content to use in my practice!

I am thrilled to (FINALLY!!!) share my course prototype final submission! At the beginning of the semester, I definitely did not anticipate the amount of time and effort that would go into this project, but seeing the finished product was worth it all!


Once upon a time there was a brave educator, set out on an adventurous journey to create an incredible blended learning course….

For my course prototype, I created two online learning modules to transform my (in-person) grade three, ELA fairy tale unit, into a blended unit. I chose ELA 3 for a few different reasons: 

1 – I LOVE teaching ELA, especially the fairy tales unit. Also, students enjoy this topic, so the initial engagement is already there!

2 – I have taught this unit before. Considering the technology side was brand new to me, I thought being familiar with the unit content would be helpful (it was).

3 – ELA requires a lot of language considerations, to support young learners and ELL learners with reading, writing and speaking, all of which technology can help with – assistive learning options, choice of verbal or written response on my platform, repetition of content as needed and individual work pace are a few key features that support student learning.

4 – In practice, it’s my next ELA unit, so I am able to put these online modules to the test! I will soon be trialing these modules with my current group of learners.

My unit is blended and will take place synchronously, during the school day. Students will access the learning modules on Seesaw, a platform they are familiar with, using our school shared devices. All other online materials needed within the modules (Lumi, Storyboard That, instructional videos, Youtube read alouds) are easily accessible, on Seesaw, and are free.

I am thankful for the beginning steps of this process, as my detailed course profile and thorough ADDIE model planning, helped start this unit with a very strong foundation. Initially, I focused heavily on my desired learning outcomes, to ensure these modules would be useful and relevant for my teaching practice and support the ELA 3 curriculum. To read more about my course planning, see my initial course prototype blog post: Once Upon a Blending Learning Course!

Or, feel free to access the following links:

BLOG POST – Introduction to Course Prototype (Profile & ADDIE included): https://edusites.uregina.ca/teaganbryden/2024/02/08/once-upon-ablended-learning-course/

Course Profile Google Docs link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q0k1an7taH8IGfL6NxULnQ8gpMVDi3t9BeEotwCQngU/edit

ADDIE model Google Docs link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dw_l7O7cnbFb7-bz_ioZ1_o9yGiRCPVX1J6vqjy7f5k/edit


The galiant educator faces many challenges throughout her journey including: online interactions, LUMI, peer feedback, equity/access, AI, and a fire-breathing dragon!

She persevered.

The weekly EC&I 834 course content was extremely helpful to my online module creation. 

Learning about the importance of interaction and community in online learning had not been a consideration of mine. Especially because my blended unit is taking place in class, within a mostly in-person unit, I hadn’t explored the ways I was going to maintain our strong sense of classroom community as students moved to work through the online modules independently. See my full blog post reflection on ‘Maintaining Meaningful Interaction in a  Blended Learning Course’ here! I explore how I can use Seesaw to maintain meaningful interactions student-to-teacher and student-to-student! As well, using Lumi, receiving peer feedback, managing course accessibility, and considering AI use, were all helpful experiences or considerations and really pushed my course prototype to be the best it could be. Read my full blog posts on these topics here:

BLOG POST – Online Learning Interactions (Use of Seesaw): https://edusites.uregina.ca/teaganbryden/2024/02/15/maintaining-meaningful-interaction-in-a-blended-learning-course/

BLOG POST – Lumi Experience & Module One Creation: https://edusites.uregina.ca/teaganbryden/2024/02/28/module-one-with-lumi-a-work-in-progress/

BLOG POST – Response to Feedback & Equity Considerations: https://edusites.uregina.ca/teaganbryden/2024/03/25/fabulous-feedback-access-equity-online-prototype-considerations/

BLOG POST – AI & Education: https://edusites.uregina.ca/teaganbryden/2024/03/28/ai-is-ok-considering-the-potential-impacts-of-generative-ai-in-my-course-prototype/


The daring teacher was ultimately successful in her quest to create a blended unit! Although, her exciting adventures in the land of blended and online learning do not end here…stay tuned.

I am extremely proud of how my course prototype turned out! My two modules are on Seesaw, via activities, making them very accessible and easy to follow for my learners. I used Canva for design enhancement and was able to embed links to other resources as well as include live assessments right in Seesaw. Check out my modules here:

Seesaw activities photo

 Module 1 (Seesaw Activity link): https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_activity?prompt_id=prompt.35665086-846e-42c0-be61-530a03a79816&share_token=7AF4F0PMTNuryNXo6m8e_g

Module 2 (Seesaw Activity link): https://app.seesaw.me/pages/shared_activity?prompt_id=prompt.75f13dc3-cb4a-4d1a-81ae-2209bc52c747&share_token=VRwOryvUQd2C8T3wbsLmbA

To provide some context to this blended unit, I created a unit plan on MS Teams. As my course is blended, this outline displays the in-class learning that will be happening before and after the online modules, to give a full picture of the bigger unit! As MS Teams is not accessible to those outside my division, I reviewed this in my final course walkthrough video.

Final Course Walkthrough: https://app.screencastify.com/v3/watch/FMLunpdw346rCW1HG4Bx

Course Walkthrough Photo

I would love to hear your thoughts on my course prototype and I’m excited to see yours too. Thank you for a wonderful semester of learning.

– Teagan

ECI834 Final Course Prototype Submission

We made it folks! Based on conversations in small groups during class, I don’t think I’m the only one who is a little awestruck that this day has finally come. Don’t get me wrong; this isn’t to say that I’m glad this course is (almost) over or that it was painful to endure (well… maybe a little but in the thick of H5P creation and total reconstruction of initial course plans). What I mean is that it was a challenge to create a course from scratch! But because of this, I consider this to be the most valuable course I’ve taken as part of my Ed. Tech. certificate program. It pushed me in ways the other courses didn’t and ultimately taught me valuable skills I will undoubtedly use in my future educational endeavors.

Here’s a quick breakdown of the course I created:

  • It is a blended, asynchronous course for grade 7 mathematics
  • The course topic is fractions, decimals and percent
  • It spans over roughly 2 months
  • It intends to function as a fully online course for students completing it at home and/or as review material for students who are present for face-to-face instruction
  • It is an inquiry based math course involving a less-traditional approach (think more journaling and less drill and practice)

Here are links to relevant documents:

This blog post from March 19th is an accurate representation of the overall creation process of my course. As I mention in my post, the peer reviews were an invaluable opportunity to have fresh sets of eyes view the course and give honest, constructive feedback. I didn’t quite expect to change so much of my course after the peer reviews, but after reading the feedback and suggestions and tweaking this and that, things just kind of snowballed and my course got a pretty significant makeover.

Here is a link to the final walkthrough of my course:

And here are separate links to my LUMI instructional videos as well as an example “Journal About Math” video I created as an exemplar for students:

Thank you to Katia and classmates for making this course what it was. All the best to you all!

Final Course Prototype

Hello EC&I 834 colleagues! Our course prototype was co-designed with my colleague Arkin Kauf and is based on the Saskatchewan Grade 7 Drama Outcomes.

In our blended and synchronous course, grade 7 students will learn about the elements of radio plays, how to create soundscapes, and how to use Foley sounds to create sound effects. They will also record, edit, and produce their own radio plays in small groups. The focus is not on writing skills so that they will use pre-written stories; however, they will edit and adapt the stories to use soundscapes, effects, and voice acting wherever possible.

Drama can be a daunting and less desirable subject for students, especially those who are anxious or lack self-confidence. Arkin and I wanted to create an opportunity for students to meaningfully participate in the subject in a way that would ease these anxieties and fears and allow for freedom of expression and creativity in a FUN way.

When developing and mapping out our A.D.D.I.E. Course Profile, we considered our student audience at the foundation of our course. Our previous blog post details our A.D.D.I.E. Course Profile.

The course creation process begins with our learning objectives of this blended and synchronous course. By the end of this course, we hope students will be able to:


  • Use drama elements, strategies, negotiation, and collaboration to help shape the direction of the drama and/or collective creation.


  • Express ideas about the importance of place (e.g., relationships to the land, local geology, region, urban/rural environments) in drama and/or collective creation.


  • Investigate improvisation using the voice, instruments, and a wide variety of sound sources from the natural and constructed environment.

ITSE Student Standards

Empowered Learner (Students leverage technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving, and demonstrating competency in their learning goals, informed by the learning sciences.)

Some important notes regarding our creation process are that many of our students are EAL learners. This course is meant to foster an environment that promotes language development while meeting Arts Education’s curricular outcomes. All but one of our students have access to technology at home, and Arkin and I are a part of the Connected Educator Program with Regina Catholic School Division (one-to-one device access per student), which allows for ample opportunities for this course to be successful.

We have used three platforms to execute our course prototype. The first was Microsoft Teams, which was used as the central hub to post assignments and hand-in areas, chat with students and teachers, monitor student progress, and provide feedback and assessment grades. This was considered as our Microsoft-based school division, which provides free access to teachers and students. Secondly, we used SeeSaw to foster and promote home-school connections. Students access some of the tasks on this platform, and it invites parents and guardians to view their children’s work to see their progress in the course. Thirdly, we used WeVideo which is a licensed and cloud-based platform that allows students to work in teams to upload, record, mix, splice, edit, and layer sounds. This is used to create their final product. Last, we used Lumi to create introductory videos for modules 1 and 2, and BBC Sound Effects to access thousands of audio files, which are safe and free to download.

We developed four modules in our course prototype and will use our school division’s four-point assessment scale to consistently assess and provide formative and summative feedback on assignments and tasks.

Here are links to other course prototype blogs that highlight our learning process and course development:

A.D.D.I.E with Ms. McLellan and Mr. Kauf

Using Seesaw and Microsoft Teams


Reflection on Feedback and Overall Accessibility

Finally, our finished product! We want to thank our EC&I 834 colleagues for their valuable feedback, which was used to reflect on and improve our course prototype for our students.

Please enjoy our course walkthrough.

**Note – if you would like to jump straight to the modules, they begin at 6:17**

AI In Teaching and Learning

When considering AI in teaching, it is a tool that can be utilized to help create different performance tasks for students to complete on specific subjects. For example:

-to create a rubric with expectations perfectly put in a table

-to create a lesson plan in a specific time frame and materials

-to create teacher examples for assignments

In middle years and high school, the use of AI is inevitably going to happen. I think the best way to create a safeguard against this is teaching students how to use it properly. This would be similar to the way you would teach students how to take information from a source and paraphrasing it to avoid plagiarism. My course would be an easy one for student’s to use AI to help them complete tasks since it is a well known novel. Using online tools to complete tasks for novels is not something that is new. When I was in high school, many students (myself included), would use Spark Notes to help with the completion of comprehension questions. It would be quite clear through conversations that you have with students to determine whether or not they are completing the readings and fully understanding the novel. This is why it is important that assessment is done through a process of triangulation and not just focused on product. The product part of triangulation would be the easiest to use AI to complete. The conversations you have with students and the observations you make would not be able to be completed using AI.