High Hopes for HyFlex Learning

This week in class we learned all about blended learning. We looked at the (many) definitions of it and discussed the different ways institutions classify and implement it. Needless to say there isn’t a consensus on what makes an environment truly blended.

Once again I was quite interested in Katia’s lecture which was mixed in with some small-group discussion on the topic. I was reflecting on my own teaching practice and the ways that I’ve utilized this style of teaching and learning in my own classrooms over the years. While I could spend quite a bit of time outlining several ways I’ve incorporated technology over the years (quick shout out to the pandemic), I’m more interested in exploring HyFlex learning and the ways this particularly complex and complicated type of blended learning is carried out in different institutions. In my research I hope to find some information about the real-life successes and challenges of offering a course that is authentically HyFlex.

The Prompt:

Research and discuss HyFlex learning (see Beatty’s work). What are the advantages and disadvantages of this model? Is this a feasible model for learning or just a trend of the moment?

According to his book, Brian Beatty describes HyFlex (or hybrid flexible) learning as “…multi-modal courses which combine online and onground (classroom-based) students…”. Brian Beatty is an associate professor at San Francisco State University and is credited with developing the HyFlex approach. Simply put, HyFlex learning offers flexibility to students while maintaining the same level of instruction (this description from Barnard College continues to describe this method clearly. Sounds pretty awesome, right? Parts of it certainly are, like the ability to provide learning opportunities to meet the physical, social, and environmental needs of all students. There are, however, some drawbacks. I’ll do my best to outline the benefits and challenges of the HyFlex approach below.

Free vector ethical dilemma illustration

The Upside

As touched on above, HyFlex learning is just how it sounds – flexible! This is a significant benefit to students with a wide variety of needs and preferences. Further, it serves to challenge a more traditional style of instruction where teachers hold the majority of control for how learning takes place, whether that be face-to-face, online, synchronous, asynchronous, or some prescribed combination of these or other modes of instruction. In the “Student Experience” section of his book, Beatty states that “The HyFlex course design proscribes nothing about the way multiple perspectives are represented or supported in the specific content and/or activities used in a course, but does encourage a variety of ways that students can access content and complete course activities”. Described in this way, HyFlex learning reaches a significant number of students in ways that other more rigid types of instruction are incapable of. In this chapter, Beatty goes on to explain how the hybrid-flexible model shifts ownership of learning from teacher to student, making the learner significantly more responsible.

On the surface, and from the perspective of the learner, the HyFlex option is a great one. If implemented true to its form, HyFlex allows the learner to choose when and how they learn during each class time. And even then, asynchronous options may be available for those unable to attend during a class’s allotted timeframe. This flexibility gives learners from all stages or circumstances of life the opportunity to pursue higher education. Students who are working while going to school have the freedom to continue earning an income while scheduling around their job. Students who have family responsibilities of their own can dictate their educational pursuits around the high demands (and unpredictability) of parenting. Students who struggle with mental health challenges can adjust their school schedule to suit their needs on a day-to-day basis, which is a major advantage for those who experience anxiety or depression. Physical disabilities can also be a barrier for students, one that HyFlex learning allows students to freely participate in from an environment that is more conducive for them. Ultimately, HyFlex learning is kind of a dream for students who are motivated to learn but want or need the freedom and flexibility to complete it on their own terms, in their own way.

The Downside

As Beatty goes on in his book, he addresses the costs and benefits of a HyFlex environment. He points out that “[i]n a HyFlex class, the instructor is challenged to design effective learning experiences for students in both online and in-class modes”. As Katia touched on in class this week, this is quite difficult for teachers to plan for. This really got me thinking about myself planning for a truly HyFlex class. Let’s say I had 20 students in a post-secondary class. The class runs Tuesdays and Thursdays for an hour and a half each day. On Tuesday, 5 students attend in person, 10 attend synchronously, and 5 asynchronously complete the coursework on their own time, following along using the recorded instruction. Then on Thursday, 13 attend in person, none attend online, and the remainder of the class chooses the asynchronous route. Yikes! The time, effort, and meticulous attention to detail that would have to go into planning for all of these variables would be exhausting, especially if it is the first time creating the course material. What a challenge to attempt to plan for unpredictability. The “plan” would have to be flexible but also comprehensive and include reasonable options for all scenarios. In addition, it’s hard to believe that the quality of instruction wouldn’t be impacted having to juggle so many possible learning situations. Ultimately, a HyFlex learning environment would be tremendously difficult to plan for, especially upfront. It would also need to be carefully implemented to be done well and adequately measure up to its claims.

student sitting on chairs in front of chalkboard

I was curious about how institutions are currently implementing HyFlex learning. A quick Google search helped me with that:

York – some classrooms are equipped with technology that allows remote participation in real time; there is no mention of an option for asynchronous learning

Carleton – the description outlines the options of in-person, online, or asynchronous learning where the student is able to choose their mode of attendance on a day-to-day basis

Columbia – the description mirrors Carleton’s, and includes some helpful graphics for instructors creating their courses. Also included are sample lessons. I took a peek at one and wanted to share a section of one:

This is just a small section – 5 minutes – out of a 50 minute lesson, and if I imagine myself carrying it out, it would feel like teaching three classes at once. Over time, I know this would get easier and become increasingly seamless for the instructor, but initially, it would be a major undertaking.

A Final Word

Anytime learning is made to be more accessible to more students is a positive thing. Therefore I think that it is a feasible model for learning. HyFlex is an attractive option to students looking for a non-traditional environment to better suit their needs, whatever they may be. This method of instruction can help students learn successfully in a variety of ways, assuming that the student is motivated enough to do so. Teaching a HyFlex course does, however, appear to be a daunting task, involving a significant amount of preparation. If well-planned and carried out, a HyFlex course could be the perfect option for self-disciplined students needing a higher degree of flexibility.

black flat screen tv turned on near green plant


Hi my name is Maddy. I am a student support teacher in Moose Jaw. I work with all grade levels. I love integrating technology into literacy intervention. I am currently taking my 9th and 10th class of the Teaching, Learning and Leadership program. I am excited to be learning alongside of you, but even more excited to be so close to the finish line.

The Wonderful World of Blended Learning

My Experience with Blended Learning


When I was in elementary school, it was a big day when each classroom got four desktop computers. We would crowd around and work on group PowerPoints, and rotate who got to type every few minutes. We loved using this new tech, and everything was more fun when we got to use it. When I was in high school, we had two computer labs for the school, each with 20 desktop computers. One was the Mac lab, primarily for photography students, and the rest of the school shared the generic lab. Seeing “meet in the computer lab” on our classroom door always meant we were in for a fun and engaging class, learning at our own pace through exploration. Blended learning positively impacted my educational experience as a student, and I love that I have the resources and opportunities to enhance my students’ learning in this same way.

laptop reading

According to Bates, “blended learning’ can mean minimal rethinking or redesign of classroom teaching, such as the use of classroom aids, or complete redesign as in flexibly designed courses, which aim to identify the unique pedagogical characteristics of face-to-face teaching, with online learning providing flexible access for the rest of the learning” (2019). I have experienced all three; as a brand new teacher, I used tech more so as a classroom aid, and students would occasionally have access to the shared laptop cart. Now I am a Connected Educator for my division, which means I have access to 1:1 technology for my students at all times, get licenses and subscriptions for certain programs to use with my students (like CoSpaces or WeVideo), and act as a tech support for my coworkers. I have been a part of this program since 2019, and I taught fully online in our online school during the 2020-2021 school year. During that year, I provided real-time instruction from 9:00am-2:00pm, after which was my prep time and students worked independently on Arts Ed, Phys Ed, French, or homework. I have had a lot of experience in online and blended learning environments, and have seen both the challenges blended learning creates and the benefits that come from effective blended learning practices.


Challenges and Opportunities


Challenges keyboard smash

Opportunities check box

  • Initial time investment to become familiar with resources, platforms, websites, programs
  • Extensive time to set routines, procedures, expectations with students
  • Building digital literacy skills*
  • Cost
  • Monitoring proper use 
  • Individualizing learning opportunities for student needs (EAL, assistive tech, student choice)
  • With experience, it reduces teacher planning and assessment time
  • Accessibility
  • Building digital literacy skills (yes – I consider this a challenge and an opportunity!)


Successes with Blended Learning

Blended learning, in my experience, takes a lot of work to implement effectively. Each year and group of students are different, so each year my Connected Classroom looks different depending on the needs of my students. However, each year brings new stories of successes because of the blended learning model. Some examples:

  • Using CoSpaces to code a chapter of our novel study brought successes for my EAL students, who were able to communicate understanding through character design and story progression (this was especially cool, because we got the VR headsets and students were able to explore each other’s chapters!)
  • Using Canva to record presentations for students who have anxiety for presentations and public speaking. They are able to build speaking skills, communicate their learning, and build their confidence without needing to present in front of a group right away
  • Participating in Virtual Heritage Fair, where students could pick points of interest, build research skills, design their own projects based on their skills and many even won prizes for their work!


What are some questions you still have about blending learning? What are some successes you’ve found? Let me know!


Hello everyone, and welcome to my EC&I learning journey. I am a middle years educator currently enrolled in the Teaching, Learning, and Leadership graduate studies program. While I have lots of experience teaching in online and blended learning environments, I look forward to identifying a more clear vision as to what this can look like in my classroom.

I look forward to learning with and from you all over the course of the next few months!